Monday 2 July 2012

New fabric coaster sets & special price at online shop

I made a few fabric coaster sets for the upcoming bazaar this week, and putting it up in the online shop as well.

The set is a set of 6, exclusively made using our designer cottons and organic designer cottons. I am making a few more for the bazaar, so stay tune ...! i love making these coaster, it surely brighten up my home... I sewed up a couple for our home, and both of my kids are excited to use them at the dining table.

Head on to our online shop to grab yours..! COKOTTOSHOP.COM

While you are there, please take a look at the handmade bags and purse, as well as the big butt pants as we are selling them at a special price for a limited time!

On other project, I am thinking of making ipad2 and Samsung S3 sleeve as well...would anyone be interested..?

We will participate in Supplies Surprise! Bazaar at Sunway Mentari this coming Saturday. Looking forward to the event!


  1. awat x buat utk samsung s2..

  2. terpikir nak wat tapi takde org request plak samsung S2...kalau ada request, akak boleh buat...ari tu pon masa nak wat design cover untuk ipad2 pinjam adek tak jahit lg sebab org tak nah request...hehe...kalau dptkan dimension plus thickness nanti akak wat design dia..
